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Old 05-12-2024, 10:15pm   #1460
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Originally Posted by jw38 View Post
If you only knew how wrong you are.

Frankly, I didn't care if Saddam DID have WMD's. I mean, so what? Lots of countries, including the US, China, North Korea, Russia Israel, France, etc. have them too. Thousands of American kids died to attack a country that didn't attack us, kids who didn't need to die. Many more came back permanently scarred with wounds both visible, and invisible. The whole Bush cabal should have stood trial in Den Hague for war crimes, for starting an unnecessary war.

And even beyond that, devastating Iraq messed up the Iran/Iraq dynamic. Those two regional players WERE occupied fighting each other, but once Bush invaded, hey, common enemy....the US. And we haven't even talked about all the little jihadis we created by destroying Iraq, killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. If infidels rolled into your town and killed your parents, think you'd be looking for a little payback when you grew up?

Who's that speaking? It's not Trump.
It's a Trump sound-a-like. That one was just for fun!
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